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Green Chili / Spinach Enchiladas

  1. Preparation and sauce
  2. Assembling the enchiladas
  3. Ready to eat

Preparation and sauce

Instructions: Cook/defrost spinach in microwave. Really just need it defrosted. Squeeze out most of the water [use your hand]. Puree everything except the sour cream in the blender. Then fold in the sour cream. Use the sauce to line the bottom of the pan and to pour over the enchiladas later.

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Assembling the enchiladas

The tortillas need to be softened before you try to roll them up or they will crack.

Instructions: Soften the tortillas in soup concentrate to which you’ve added 'some' milk. Put soup concentrate in the pan first, then add milk slowly, stirring and breaking up any chunks. I usually softened about 6 tortillas and then stop to roll them up. Roll up cheese and onion in the tortillas, adding a thin slice of jalapeño pepper [optional]. When you have soften all of the tortilla shells you are going to use, add any remaining soup mix to the sauce. Then, pour sauce over the shells in the pan[s] and sprinkle the top with extra cheese, pepper, etc.

You can add or subtract chili/peppers to taste. Sour cream has a cooling effect so don’t be shy with the peppers.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes to melt the cheese and heat thoroughly.

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Ready to eat

Adding the 'G' is optional!

note: Any extra leftover sauce is good for salad dressing.

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Copyright © 2015 Michael Botos. revised: 05/02/2015

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